The Collaborative Robotics Laboratory (CoRL) is housed in the Department of Computer Sciences and co-directed by Michael Gleicher and Bilge Mutlu. In this lab, we study many areas related to human-robot interaction, including robot control, robot teaching by demonstration, and physical collaboration tasks. This space is used to develop methods within these research areas and thoroughly evaluating these methods, such as through user studies, in real-world inspired tasks.
The CoRL lab currently houses three robots (a Universal Robots UR5, Rethink Robitics Sawyer, and Kinova MOVO), has numerous virtual reality and augmented reality devices, such as an HTC Vive and Microsoft Hololens, and is instrumented with an Optitrack motion capture setup. The space also contains numerous accessories to reliably resemble potential workspaces for robots, such as home-care or manufacturing scenarios.
For descriptions about projects investigated in this lab, please see the Projects page.
For any other questions, please contact Michael Gleicher ( or Bilge Mutlu (